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Kathi Kaiser to Share Insights on Museums and Technology at UXPA 2017

What do you think of when you hear the word “museum”? Stately buildings with lots of columns? Peaceful spaces displaying priceless art? How about glowing screens, audio/visual add-ons, or even virtual reality space walks? 

The museum experience is changing, and Centralis’ Kathi Kaiser will offer a glimpse of the future at her upcoming talk, “Museums, Tech, and UX: The Future of the Museum Experience”, at this year’s UXPA International Conference in Toronto. Kathi will be speaking from 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm ET on Tuesday, June 6 at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel.

Kathi will explore several ways in which museums are using apps, digital labels in exhibits, and immersive digital experiences to widen the scope of their users’ experience. With examples from Centralis’ in-gallery usability testing, she will show how cultural institutions are currently leveraging technology to support their physical collections. Kathi will also discuss how museum staff and UX practitioners can learn from each other as technology becomes more pervasive in the museum space.

Come join Kathi for what is sure to be a fun and thought-provoking session!

About Kathi

Kathi Kaiser is a co-founder and partner at Centralis, a Chicago-based UX consultancy. For more than 15 years, she’s led a top-notch team in creating great user experiences for clients all over the world. Kathi is a frequent conference speaker on topics of UX.

About Centralis

Centralis helps clients succeed by making their products, services, software and websites easier to use. Founded in 2001, Centralis provides user research, user interface design, and usability testing services to a wide range of clients.

About The User Experience Professionals Association

The User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA) supports people who research, design, and evaluate the user experience of products and services. The UXPA 2017 International Conference, the most influential user experience annual event in the world, will be held in Toronto on June 6-8, 2017.