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Strike up a conversation with your users.

User interviews are one-on-one discussions that explore how people think about a concept or how they accomplish certain tasks. Unlike usability testing, which focuses on an interface, user interviews are generally 100% conversation based, allowing us to get to know the goals, motivations, and desires of your audience in a broad sense. User interviews can provide the raw data for persona creation and journey mapping, or other deliverables as appropriate. We can interview users, stakeholders, or anyone else with knowledge to share whose perspective is important for your business to consider.

We help answer questions like:

  • How do users go about a certain process? 

  • What do users wish they had to help them? 

  • What’s the main reason people use our offering?  

  • What comes to mind when users think about our brand?  

  • What other tools are people using to meet their goals? 

  • What are the opportunities to innovate with our product? 

What can I expect from user interviews with Centralis?

Our friendly moderators love talking to users and are curious on your behalf to hear what they have to say and how it can improve your business.

Business Focus

We learn about your business and offerings so that we understand what your questions and goals are for user interviews.


Conversational Charm

We’re skilled conversationalists and enjoy getting users talking. We can talk to anyone about anything, and we always follow up on interesting leads to keep the conversation flowing.

Close Collaboration

We’ll work together at every step of this process, from developing a discussion guide to communicating the final findings.


Fresh Perspective

We are an unbiased third party, which encourages participants to speak freely. This also enables us to provide an external viewpoint to help break up your internal logjams.

"Your talent for facilitating sessions is clear and, with each session,
I am affirmed in our decision to work with Centralis and your team."
- Centralis Client

FAQs about User Interviews

What’s the difference between user interviews and usability testing?

User interviews focus on understanding the user’s process, attitudes, and behaviors, independent of any particular tool or interface. Usability testing focuses more on evaluating an interface or product. Learn more about our usability testing offering.


How many user interviews do I need? How long is each session?

Each session is generally between 60 and 90 minutes long, depending on the nature of the topic. Because user interviews are qualitative in nature, the sample size is generally small; twelve to sixteen participants is a typical range.

What’s the difference between user interviews and focus groups?

User interviews are one-on-one, while focus groups involve interacting with many users at once. One-on-one interviews are valuable in that they provide a deep dive into an individual’s experiences, attitudes, and behaviors without the influence of group dynamics.


What sort of deliverable will I get?

The deliverable often depends on what we learn from your users. It could be a journey map, persona set, or comprehensive final report. Whatever we collectively decide to pursue, we ensure that it will meet your business goals and provide you with the rich detail you need to understand your users.

More questions about user interviews?


Case Study: Auditing the Auditors

After receiving feedback on their flagship website, The IIA realized they needed a redesign to make their organization’s information and standards easier to navigate. They turned to Centralis to unearth key information about their audience to help them best structure their site.

Why Centralis

We have over 20 years of experience and the numbers to prove it:

"I came away with a renewed appreciation for our users. Nothing can
really compare with seeing and hearing their experiences in their own words."
- Centralis Client