Case Study: UX Competitive Analysis
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Centralis gave UnitedHealthcare the tools to understand and retain their competitive advantage.
The Challenge
UnitedHealthcare, a leading national healthcare company, sought to improve the user experience of their Medicare supplement plans shopping process.
Throughout this effort, they realized that they needed a comprehensive understanding of how they compared to their competitors in this arena, and what they could learn to become an industry leader.
UnitedHealthcare turned to Centralis to map out their competitive landscape from a usability perspective and determine where and how they could surpass their competitors.
The Process
UnitedHealthcare identified their most relevant competitors, and Centralis assigned a team of two experts to evaluate the various components of the experience.
We completed cognitive walkthroughs of both UnitedHealthcare’s and their competitors’ processes, applying our proprietary standards to assess everything from content layout to marketing copy.
We then scored UnitedHealthcare and each competitor on the dimensions of UX strategy and design execution and identified specific ways that they could elevate their experience.
The Impact
Our evaluation and analysis revealed that UnitedHealthcare was the overall user experience leader in their industry, and they dominated every subcategory except for one.
Within that category we outlined how they could become a frontrunner, and they are currently implementing our recommendations.
Since this initial analysis we have conducted three periodic updates to track competitors’ changes and quantify how UnitedHealthcare’s user experience has improved over time.
Our Value
Our long-term partnership with UnitedHealthcare has given us an intimate understanding of their business and users.
The knowledge of their market that we have gained during this analysis has elevated that relationship and provided more context for our ongoing consulting work.
We’ve continued to be their market watchdog, keeping an eye on their competitors while they strive to make their user experience the best that it can be.
and in-depth understanding of our space that your team brings to the table."
- Vice President, Digital Strategy, UnitedHealthcare