Case Study: Concept Development and Testing

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Centralis gave the AIA the confidence to expand into new platforms and services.

16 field interviews.
1 client workshop.
8 new concepts.

Architect sketching a design.

The Challenge

For more than 130 years, American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) contract documents have been recognized throughout the design and construction industry as the standard for managing transactions and relationships involved in construction projects.

Looking to expand their usage within existing markets, AIA was interested in converting their desktop contract software to a web-based product.

They turned to Centralis to research, develop, and test a set of concepts that depicted new directions for their software.


The Process

Centralis began with contextual inquiry and user interviews, talking with architects, contractors, property owners, and attorneys in their own offices.

We asked them how they generally go about their work, how they use contracts, and what they thought of AIA’s existing contract documents software. We took our findings from this research back to AIA and ran a workshop with them to generate ideas for enhancing the current product.

We then conducted focus groups with the same types of professionals to determine if these new features would meet or exceed users’ expectations.


The Impact

Centralis’ research, development, and testing concluded that users were mostly seeking better usability and clarity from AIA’s contract documents software.

Specifically, they wanted easier ways to access and save their work, and a more robust explanation of the pricing structure for different contracts. These concepts were grounded in user feedback from the start, giving AIA the confidence that they needed to proceed into product buildout.

They have since launched the web-based platform, and we continued to work with them throughout this process to ensure a positive user experience.


Our Value

We left no stone unturned in our research and testing, making sure to reach every corner of AIA’s user base.

We zealously recruited architects and contractors from each branch of architecture, with participants’ specialties ranging from residential kitchens to baseball stadiums.

Our familiarity with AIA’s business and users from the beginning made us a valuable partner throughout the development and rollout of this major product update.

"It was a joy to work with you and your team, and you have made a
huge difference in orienting us as we design and develop."
- Centralis Client